Interactive Sound Installation
Lyssah Oterdoom, Oísin Duggan Metcalf, Anna-Lina Helsen
An interactive sound installation using feedback loops, Arduinos, servo motors, 3D prints and more to explore how much one can control the uncontrollable.
Resonating Mechanisms was an interactive sound installation, created in the seminar Block 8
at HKU (University of the Arts Utrecht).
The installation examines a continuously evolving feedback loop between the sculpture itself,
the space and the visitor and invites the visitor to explore how much they can control the
uncontrollable. The work refers to systems we as consumers keep in motion and influence
by our (in)actions. The blue marked elements invite the viewer to come closer and listen or
interact with the mechanism
Resonating Mechanisms is a sound sculpture built from pvc pipes, air pumps, servo motors,
exciter speakers and contact microphones. The work explores the power of analog feedback
loops. Starting from the base of the sculpture air gets pushed through the pipes system.
Exciter speakers amplify the sound being picked up by hanging microphones within the same
sculpture. Whilst the hanging microphones are being controlled with servo motors, a chaotic,
uncontrollable creature is being created. The sculpture creates a sense of causal relation
between the visitor and the modulation of the sound.
After researching texts, publications, and materials and writing a short essay ourselves, we
started constructing the installation. The creation process was an enjoyable opportunity to
get more soldering practice, crimping cables and experimenting with Arduinos and servo
motors, as well as first experiences with 3D printing. These aspects were done as a group
effort, whereby I focussed more on the 3D printing and one of the servo motors, whilst Lyssah
worked on the other servo motor and Oisín on the exciter speaker as well as the lighting for
the installation and a large part of the filming for the documentation
Later on, I edited the video documentation, mapped it to the sound and created a website for
the project documentation. This was hosted using a temporary Cargo site code which has
since expired, but there are image documentations of the site
Link to the Video: VIMEO